We have many users using splunk dashboards and we want to know total time for a user logged in to splunk system for this month.
Using different query I am able to know the list of users, their last login or logout and dashboards accessed by them. But I am facing problem to calculate total time he or she logged in for entire month. In other words duration for which used my system.
Thanks dude for this query . It helped me and I am exploring more using this.
Hi jitendragupta,
I use this search to list all connections, see if it answers to your need.
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access user!="-"
| stats earliest(_time) AS StartTime latest(_time) AS EndTime count by user date_mday
| join type=left user [
| rest /services/authentication/users
| rex field=id "https:\/\/\/(\w+\/)+(?<user>\w+)"
| rename realname AS Name
| fields user Name
| search Name=*
| eval
StartTime=strftime(StartTime,"%d/%m/%Y %H.%M.%S"),
EndTime=strftime(EndTime,"%d/%m/%Y %H.%M.%S")
| sort Name
| table Name StartTime EndTime Duration