Splunk Search

How can I change the order of the fields in my piechart?


I have the following search:

....| eval "cs"=case(CallRate<=250,"Under 250 kps", CallRate<=500,"Under 500 kps", CallRate<=750,"Under 750 kps", CallRate<=1000,"Under 1000 kps", CallRate<=1250,"Under 1250 kps",  CallRate>1250, "Above 1250 kps") | stats count by cs | eval cs=cs+" -- "+count + "calls"

I want to make the piechart easy for my client to understand but the fields in the piechart organize themselves alphabetically. Is there a way I could sort them by the original way like above? The following is the result piechart:

alt text

I want it to be in this order:
Under 250 kps, Under 500 kps, Under 750 kps, Under 1000 kps, Under1250 kps, Above 1250 kps

0 Karma
1 Solution


| eval "cs"=case(CallRate<=250,"1.Under 250kps", CallRate<=500,"2.Under 500kps", CallRate<=750,"3.Under 750kps", CallRate<=1000,"4.Under 1000kps", CallRate<=1250,"5.Under 1250kps", CallRate>1250, "6.Above 1250kps") | stats count by cs| eval "cs"=replace('cs',"^(\d{1}).","")
| eval cs=cs+" -- "+count + "calls"

View solution in original post

0 Karma


| eval "cs"=case(CallRate<=250,"1.Under 250kps", CallRate<=500,"2.Under 500kps", CallRate<=750,"3.Under 750kps", CallRate<=1000,"4.Under 1000kps", CallRate<=1250,"5.Under 1250kps", CallRate>1250, "6.Above 1250kps") | stats count by cs| eval "cs"=replace('cs',"^(\d{1}).","")
| eval cs=cs+" -- "+count + "calls"

0 Karma


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@tamduong16, sequence them in your case() function so that they get automatically sorted. Try the following:

| eval "cs"=case(CallRate<=250,"1. Under 250 kps", CallRate<=500,"2. Under 500 kps", CallRate<=750,"3. Under 750 kps", CallRate<=1000,"4. Under 1000 kps", CallRate<=1250,"5. Under 1250 kps",  CallRate>1250, "6. Above 1250 kps") 
| stats count by cs 
| eval cs=cs+" -- "+count + "calls"
| makeresults | eval message= "Happy Splunking!!!"


Thanks for the idea. It works but give me unwanted numeric at the beginning which I could write another eval expression to resolve that and work perfect. Here is the eval expression I added in.

| eval "cs"=case(CallRate<=250,"1.Under 250kps", CallRate<=500,"2.Under 500kps", CallRate<=750,"3.Under 750kps", CallRate<=1000,"4.Under 1000kps", CallRate<=1250,"5.Under 1250kps", CallRate>1250, "6.Above 1250kps") | stats count by cs| eval "cs"=replace('cs',"^(\d{1}).","")
| eval cs=cs+" -- "+count + "calls"

0 Karma


You can force an order by adding a numeric field to sort against. See this example.

... | eval "cs"=case(CallRate<=250,"Under 250 kps", CallRate<=500,"Under 500 kps", CallRate<=750,"Under 750 kps", CallRate<=1000,"Under 1000 kps", CallRate<=1250,"Under 1250 kps", CallRate>1250, "Above 1250 kps") | eval sortOrder=case(CallRate<=250,1, CallRate<=500,2, CallRate<=750,3, CallRate<=1000,4, CallRate<=1250,5, CallRate>1250, 6) | stats count values(sortOrder) as sortOrder by cs | eval cs=cs+" -- "+count + "calls" | sort sortOrder
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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this doesn't work 😞
The fields in the piechart don't get sort and in addition it make everything harder to read.

0 Karma


Hmm... It works on my laptop under Splunk 6.6.2.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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