I'm doing a project to detect click fraud. I created several extractions to take out the IP address, Web Request from that IP address, and the Browser they used from multiple indexes within Splunk. I put them in a table which is showing correctly but have one last issue explained below
I currently have the same IP listed multiple times throughout the table with its web requests. I need to only list that IP Address one time with all the web requests. How can I go about making that IP address distinct to where it lists only once?
I need all occurrences of the web requests tied to that IP to also be listed.. BONUS, how do I add another column counting the number of times that IP occurs?
Here's my search
index=access OR index=main | transaction RTG_JSession | table RTG_IPmain RTG_WebRequest RTG_Browser | where isnotnull(RTG_IPmain)
try index=access OR index=main | transaction RTG_JSession | search RTG_IPmain!="" | stats count by RTG_IPmain, RTG_WebRequest, RTG_Browser | sort -count | stats list(RTG_WebRequest) as WebRequest, list(count) as count by RTG_IPmain
try index=access OR index=main | transaction RTG_JSession | search RTG_IPmain!="" | stats count by RTG_IPmain, RTG_WebRequest, RTG_Browser | sort -count | stats list(RTG_WebRequest) as WebRequest, list(count) as count by RTG_IPmain
This is close to what I was looking for, but the Browser got stripped from the table results. It successfully added the count column, but its giving a value of 1 for each web request. I need to sum the values for the number of times the IP occurred in the logs
Added the RTG_Browser in: index=access OR index=main | transaction RTG_JSession | search RTG_IPmain!="" | stats count by RTG_IPmain, RTG_WebRequest, RTG_Browser | sort -count | stats list(RTG_WebRequest) as WebRequest, list(RTG_Browser) as RTG_Browser, list(count) as count by RTG_IPmain, sum(count) as total by RTG_IPmain