The sourceType I was told to mess with has a "Name" field. The field sometimes holds the value of a users Network ID like johnSmith, but other times it will have a computer_name like RUIOEFJ876V8$. computer_name always ends in a $ sign.
Is it possible to split these into two buckets when tabling my search?
I tried using the regex command, but I'm not sure how to implement it with buckets, so I wanted to check if anyone had any ideas with that way of solving the issue or if they had an opinion of a better way to solve it.
Do it like this:
... | eval type=if(match(Name, ".*\$$"), "computer", "human") | stats count by host,type
Do it like this:
... | eval type=if(match(Name, ".*\$$"), "computer", "human") | stats count by host,type