Splunk Search

Extrating fields with the single dates of the month?


Hi Splunkers,

Im having this serious problem. Is there any way to transform or modify a log coming to a certain index?

Example: I have logs like this:

Jul 1 08:00:00 user service : example logs

I want to modify into :

07-01 08:00:00 user service : example logs

Is this possible? Im going to do log extraction for my alerting.


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Hi vganjare,

Im very newbie at splunk and there are some terms that made me confused. Can you give me some sample?


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Lets take this example:
Jul 1 08:00:00 ==> %b %d %H:%M:%S (refer to http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.2/SearchReference/Commontimeformatvariables)

07-01 08:00:00 ==> %m-%d %H:%M:%S

Your query should look like:
...... | eval customTime = strftime(_time, "%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

Check the examples of strftime and strptime at http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.2/SearchReference/CommonEvalFunctions

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Because I configured an alerting with field extraction. So I only notice now that Every 1-9 of the month the logs has a space between the month and the day.

Sample : Jul 1 .......

It has extra space so it causes my custom alerts to read the different parameter based on my extracted fields on my query.

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