My epoch time in the events are this long:
How can I get splunk to extract the time including the milliseconds with this length?
I would suggest to apply the following time stamp extraction specification to your sourcetype or source in props.conf :
TIME_PREFIX = <regular expression matching the string that precedes your time stamp>
I encourage you to look up the definition and specs of these parameters in props.conf.spec.
Let me know how it goes!
I would suggest to apply the following time stamp extraction specification to your sourcetype or source in props.conf :
TIME_PREFIX = <regular expression matching the string that precedes your time stamp>
I encourage you to look up the definition and specs of these parameters in props.conf.spec.
Let me know how it goes!
It depends on the type of forwarder. If it's a Universal/Lightweight forwarder, then these settings belong on the indexer. If it's a regular forwarder then these settings must exist on the forwarder. For more information, please read this wiki article.
Can this go in the forwarder's props.conf?