Hello guys,
does maxTotalDataSizeMB parameter in indexes.conf will still apply if we use volume for coldPath (and homePath by the way)?
maxTotalDataSizeMB default value is 500000.
homePath = volume:volume-loadbalancer-hot/MYINDEX
homePath.maxDataSizeMB = 400000
coldPath = volume:volume-loadbalancer-cold/MYINDEX
coldToFrozenDir = /VAR/siem/frozen/MYINDEX
yes it works that way.
But there is also maxVolumeDataSizeMB for whole Volume which can affect earlier than maxTotalDataSizeMB.
r. Ismo
yes it works that way.
But there is also maxVolumeDataSizeMB for whole Volume which can affect earlier than maxTotalDataSizeMB.
r. Ismo