I run two splunk search and results not come same.
In the first search is with tstats ;
timeprefix = yesterday
| tstats `summariesonly` count from datamodel=Authentication.Authentication where index=wineventlog Authentication.user=some_user
result is = 8990
In the second search ;
index=wineventlog user=some_user tag=authentication NOT (action=success user=*$)| stats count
result is = 9000
Why datamodel and normal splunk search result is different ?
Also ;
Datamodel accelaration status is %99 ?
Could the problem be caused by this?
Thank you.
The summariesonly option tells tstats to look only at events that are in the accelerated datamodel. If the DMA is not complete then the results also will not be complete.
My DMA is never been %100. it's generally %99.x . Why is this happening ?
How ı find the problem ?