I have data that shows the number of items I'm counting by item number. Is there a way to count when I have a certain amount of items, then reset the count back to zero? I could do something like | eval number=sum(field)/value, but then I wouldn't get the timestamp of when that count rolled over.
For example, I want to know when I have at least 5 items. So for this data I would want it to show a graph with values on day 2, day 3, and day 5, since that's when the count got high enough to be 5.
day1 2
day2 3
day3 6
day4 1
day5 5
Try the following:
<base_search> | stats count by day | accum count as accum_cnt | eval accum_cnt = if(accum_cnt>=5,0,accum_cnt)
This will aggregate the counts by the day. Then it will start running the cumulative for your count by day. When it reaches a value of 5 or greater it will change it to 0. Look for days with a value of 0.
If you want to save the value that it hit which equates to above 5 you can try something like this:
<base_search> | stats count by day | accum count as accum_cnt | eval accum_cnt_over = if(accum_cnt>=5,accum_cnt,0) | eval accum_cnt = if(accum_cnt>=5,0,accum_cnt) | where accum_cnt_over>0
Hope this helps
What you want is the modulo operator. It is essentially the remainder after a division operation. As the dividend increases, the remainder increases, until a number is reached that divides perfectly and thus the remainder resets to zero over and over again. Exactly what you are looking for.
Here is a sample query:
index=_internal | stats count as cat_val by date_hour | accum cat_val as subtotal | eval i = subtotal % 6
Notice that i cycles between 0 and 5 and then continues to cycle as you want.
sure, can you give an example ?
I think this is what I am looking for. Is there a way to take this to the next level and keep a running total of events based on what the value is in another column?
Try the following:
<base_search> | stats count by day | accum count as accum_cnt | eval accum_cnt = if(accum_cnt>=5,0,accum_cnt)
This will aggregate the counts by the day. Then it will start running the cumulative for your count by day. When it reaches a value of 5 or greater it will change it to 0. Look for days with a value of 0.
If you want to save the value that it hit which equates to above 5 you can try something like this:
<base_search> | stats count by day | accum count as accum_cnt | eval accum_cnt_over = if(accum_cnt>=5,accum_cnt,0) | eval accum_cnt = if(accum_cnt>=5,0,accum_cnt) | where accum_cnt_over>0
Hope this helps
Can you provide sample data?