Splunk Search

Compare 2 indexes and 2 fields of IP addresses with different field name (result wanted: Are there similar/like IP's?)


So I have 2 separate indexes with both having ip-addresses as events.
On index A the ip-addresses are under ipaddr field and on index B the ip-addresses are under host_ip field.

What I want to do is to a) compare b) evaluate those fields (content) together.

I tried several tricks available on Splunk Answers and its always missing some pieces or not suitable for this use.

index=a-index OR index=b-index | search ipaddr, host_ip | eval results = if(match(ipaddr,host_ip)), "hit", "miss") - does not work.

Eventually, I dont need yet to know if there is miss or hit - I just find to find there IS similar ip addresses on both.


0 Karma
1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Give this a try. In the main search below, make sure the IP fields are grouped with the proper index.

(index="a-index" host_ip=*) OR (index="b-index" ipaddr=*)  
| eval ip=if(isnull(ipaddr),host_ip,ipaddr) 
| fields index ip 
| chart count(ip) AS count over ip by index 
| where a-index=b-index

View solution in original post

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Give this a try. In the main search below, make sure the IP fields are grouped with the proper index.

(index="a-index" host_ip=*) OR (index="b-index" ipaddr=*)  
| eval ip=if(isnull(ipaddr),host_ip,ipaddr) 
| fields index ip 
| chart count(ip) AS count over ip by index 
| where a-index=b-index


Thanks a bunch! Simple, yet powerful.

0 Karma

Super Champion

Keep in mind you have two different event flows: a-index and b-index, and therefore your match is not going to work. Match will compare fields within the same event and your event either belongs to a-index or b-index. You need to group your events first.

If you just want to find common IPs try the following instead (not tested):

index=a-index OR index=b-index
| fields index, ipaddr, host_ip
| dedup index, ipaddr, host_ip
| rename ipaddr as host_ip 
| stats count by host_ip, index
| where count > 1
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