Let's say you have the following search:
... | stats sum(eval(sc_bytes/1073741824)) AS Gigabytes BY date
The resulting values in the Gigabytes column may have many characters after the decimal point. In a results table or a dashboard one may format the values with commas or define precision in order to make the information easier to read at a glance.
Is there a way to change how these values are displayed without changing the underlying information from the search?
I know the following may be used to convert the values to a string, but is there a way to change the way these values are displayed without changing the number - perhaps you want to store it for later formulas?
... | stats sum(eval(sc_bytes/1073741824)) AS Gigabytes BY date
| eval Gigabytes=printf("%.4f",Gigabytes)
... | stats sum(sc_bytes) AS Gigabytes BY date
| fieldformat Gigabytes=Gigabytes/1073741824
Thank you for trying to respond, but this doesn't answer the question.
The closest answer appears to be the tostring function, but it also changes the datatype.
… |stats sum(eval(sc_bytes/1073741824)) AS Gigabytes BY date
| eval Gigabytes = tostring(Gigabytes, "commas")
fieldformat changes the way it is displayed without changing its value (which answers at least one of your questions). If you need to combine the division with a round or printf, you could do
| fieldformat Gigabytes=round(Gigabytes/1073741824,3)
| fieldformat Gigabytes=printf("%.4f",Gigabytes/1073741824)