I have an active playbook that runs on most event types, but some get auto-closed and I would like to know if there's a way to end the playbook run if it the case gets closed before it finishes the playbook run.
As of version 6 we're able to run playbooks when a container is closed. That's the easy part. Canceling running playbooks takes a few custom API calls.
# Pulls the id for this playbook. It shouldn't be hardcoded because the ID changes with each version and may not increment as expected
my_id_url = phantom.build_phantom_rest_url('playbook') + '?_filter_name="my_playbook_name"'
my_id_resp_json = phantom.requests.get(my_id_url, verify=False).json()
my_id = my_id_resp_json['data'][0]['id']
# Runs a query to pull the audit data of the current container
audit_url = phantom.build_phantom_rest_url('container', container_id, 'audit')
audit_resp_json = phantom.requests.get(audit_url, verify=False).json()
for i in audit_resp_json:
# Looks for any playbook that has run in the container
if i['AUDIT SOURCE'] == 'Playbook Run':
# Runs a query to find details on each run
runs_url = phantom.build_phantom_rest_url('playbook_run', i['AUDIT ID'])
runs_resp_json = phantom.requests.get(runs_url, verify=False).json()
# Finds any playbook that is currently running which isn't this one
if runs_resp_json['status'] == 'running' and runs_resp_json['playbook'] != my_id:
#Sends a POST to cancel any that match the above criteria
cancel_url = phantom.build_phantom_rest_url('playbook_run', runs_resp_json['id'])
cancel_post = phantom.requests.post(cancel_url, data='{"cancel":true}', verify=False)
# If successful, up the succes count
if cancel_post.status_code == 200:
# Success
# Failure