Splunk ITSI

How to get the time difference between end of job and start of job?


Tring to get the time diffrence between end time of job and start time.but when i am running this query for long period it providing me less data.

index=hybecmprod OR index=hybadmprod host=HYBadmprd* fullProductAndStockFeedJob* "start job" OR "end job" 
| eval Status=case(like(_raw,"%Start%"),"Start_Job",like(_raw,"%End%"),"End_Job") 
|eval CronJob=case(like(_raw,"%fullProductAndStockFeedJob_1%"),"fullProductAndStockFeedJob_1",like(_raw,"%fullProductAndStockFeedJob_2%"),"fullProductAndStockFeedJob_2")
| eval host=case(like(host,"%HYBADMPRDAP%"),"AP",like(host,"%HYBADMPRDAM%"),"AM",like(host,"%HYBADMPRDEU1%"),"EU1",like(host,"%HYBADMPRDEU2%"),"EU2",like(host,"%HYBADMPRDEU3%"),"EU3") 
| eval USERINFO=case(like(_raw,"%Start%"), host+":"+Status,like(_raw,"%End%"), host+":"+Status ) 
| rex field=USERINFO "(?<host>.*):(?<Status>.*)" 
| eval startingTime=case(Status="Start_Job", _time) 
| eval Endtime=case(Status="End_Job", _time) 
| stats first(startingTime) as startingTime earliest(_time) as _time first(Endtime) as Endtime by host CronJob 
| eval Time_taken=abs(Endtime-startingTime) 
| eval JobStatus=case(Time_taken!="","Finished",1=1,"Running") 
| fillnull 
| lookup Market1.csv host CronJob OUTPUTNEW Market 
| fields - startingTime 
| rename _time as StartingTime 
| eval Endtime=strftime(Endtime,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") 
| eval StartingTime=strftime(StartingTime,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") 
| eval Endtime=replace(Endtime,"1970/01/01 01:00:00","NA")
0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

You have the good approach

0 Karma


Could you provide some sample events?
When a job finished successfully does one event contain the information of startingTime AND Endtime?
I guess events describing Start_Job and End_Job are separated from each other so you have to match them with some magic like streamstats...

0 Karma
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