Splunk ITSI

How to convert Epoch time to a Month string.


I'm trying to make a table of bookings from the whole 2019, my search is working as expected except for one column.

I've made a deep search and tried with convert, rename and eval functions but none of them are working for me (at least the way I'm using them).

This is my search and the result of my table:




index=myIndex host=myHost confirmationNumber step_code="'BOOKING_DONE'" earliest=01/01/2019:00:00:00 latest=12/31/2019:00:00:00 | spath | timechart span=1mon count by Resort limit=0 | addtotals | addcoltotals | eval Month=strptime(_time,"%M") | table _time, 'BBO', 'BNG', 'BRP', 'BTC', 'INN', 'NGA', 'SAT', 'SBD', 'SBR', 'SEB', 'SGL', 'SGO', 'SHC', 'SLS', 'SLU', 'SMB', 'SNG', 'SRB', 'SRC', 'SWH', Total | rename _time AS Month






PD: Also trying to add a label to the last empty row and change it's name to "Total per Resort"

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1 Solution



You're a very nice gentlemen my friend!

Issue is fixed


 I just have one more issue, when I try to rename my column header, it converts it again to an Epoch time, this is my new modified search with your solution:


index=myIndex host=myHost confirmationNumber step_code="'BOOKING_DONE'" earliest=01/01/2019:00:00:00 latest=12/31/2019:00:00:00 | spath | timechart span=1mon count by Resort limit=0 | addtotals | addcoltotals | table _time, 'BBO', 'BNG', 'BRP', 'BTC', 'INN', 'NGA', 'SAT', 'SBD', 'SBR', 'SEB', 'SGL',	'SGO', 'SHC', 'SLS', 'SLU', 'SMB', 'SNG', 'SRB', 'SRC', 'SWH', Total | fieldformat _time=strftime(_time, "%B %Y") | rename _time AS "Month"
0 Karma


fieldformay only changes the way the field is displayed, since you renamed it, it is no longer called _time!

index=myIndex host=myHost confirmationNumber step_code="'BOOKING_DONE'" earliest=01/01/2019:00:00:00 latest=12/31/2019:00:00:00 | spath | timechart span=1mon count by Resort limit=0 | addtotals | addcoltotals | table _time, 'BBO', 'BNG', 'BRP', 'BTC', 'INN', 'NGA', 'SAT', 'SBD', 'SBR', 'SEB', 'SGL',	'SGO', 'SHC', 'SLS', 'SLU', 'SMB', 'SNG', 'SRB', 'SRC', 'SWH', Total | rename _time AS "Month" | fieldformat Month=strftime(Month, "%B %Y")


I wish you the best and only the best my dear friend!

I hope your cryptos (if you have some) pump to Mars.


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