Hi All,
We just upgraded to ITSI 4.4.4 and we noticed that banner talking about beta glass tables. Please see example below.
I was wondering if there is a way to permanently disable this notifications. I tried clicking the "x" but the notice comes back after a refresh of the page.
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately there's no way to disable this banner. However, the beta glass table framework will be officially released very soon which means the classic framework will be deprecated and the banners will be removed.
unfortunately indeed. please do not include such without overrides in future versions.
Update on this - 4.7.0 release makes the beta framework the official framework, so the banners are gone! https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ITSI/4.7.0/ReleaseNotes/Newfeatures#Glass_table_editor
I encourage upgrading if possible.