For some reason, Splunk is misreading the data from my firewall logs. The events clearly show the correct date and time, but Splunk is for some reason interpreting the date incorrectly. For example, in my screenshot is an event which shows occurring on 9/29/2015. However, Splunk is recording it as 9/28/2015. I'm not entirely sure when this started happening. Splunk used to record the dates accurately.
it looks like a timezone issue
If your firewall is logging in local time and the timezone is not in the log, then splunk will thinks it is UTC. you can tell splunk which timezone it is by setting TZ= in props.conf (can do it by source for example)
any chance of this being a time-zone issue? Perhaps check to see whether the splunk account profile you're using has a different timezone setting than the firewall system.