Splunk Enterprise

Upgrading to gives me an error (404) when trying to access deploy web interface - it doesn't fully load

New Member
Hello everyone, I'm encountering an issue with the web interface for the deployment instance. When I attempt to access it, it prompts me for a username and password, but after entering the credentials, it gets stuck on a loading gif that keeps spinning indefinitely. Upon inspecting the network tab, I noticed there's only one resource returning a 404 error: https://my-deploy-instance:8000/en-US/splunkd/__raw/services/dmc-conf/settings/settings

In the past, I have successfully performed several upgrades for Splunk by provisioning a new instance on my cloud, adding my configuration files, and starting the process. However, in my latest attempt, I encountered issues where the process doesn't seem to work correctly anymore.

To ensure safety and avoid disruptions on production instances, I adopted a technique of provisioning a separate stack for this work and testing it independently. Strangely, on this new stack, I am encountering license-related complaints, with it stating that the license is revoked. This is puzzling because the license used is exactly the same as the one used in the production version, which is functioning without any problems.
ERROR LMStack - failed to load license from file: splunk.license, err - The license file with signature XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) has been revoked. Please file a case online at http://www.splunk.com/page/submit_issue

I'm wondering if there have been any changes in this context that might be causing the issue. Could someone kindly advise if I am overlooking something in this process?
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What do you mean by "provisioning a new instance on my cloud, adding my configuration files, and starting the process"? You spin up a newer version and copy over your files(which ones)? Or you install a new old-versioned splunk instance, copy over files (again - which ones), upgrade this instance... And then what? So many questions 😉

And the licensing - why aren't you just using a license master? Anyway, you're not supposed to use the same license on multiple splunk instances (and Monitoring Console will complain heavily if you do).

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