Splunk Enterprise

How can we find out which index a frozen bucket belongs to?


Let's say we have bunch of frozen bucket files (db_<newest_time>_<oldest_time>_<localid>) on filesystem.

How do we we find out which indexes these frozen buckets belong to?

I looked into the files, some are text files which don't seem to have strings or fields that could tell which index it is.

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I think we were able to get that info on our Cluster Master in the Web UI by going to Settings \ Distributed Environment \ Index Clustering

then click on Indexes and Bucket Status there you will see long string that makes up the Bucket Name 


then I think we ran the dbinspect command where bucketID = that

0 Karma


There is nothing in a bucket that says what index it belongs or belonged to.  Not that it matters.  Buckets can be in any index and still work.

When you thaw a bucket you put it into the thawed folder of an index.  If you don't know the original index then create a new one called, for example, thaweddata and put the buckets there.  Search the restored data using index=thaweddata.

To avoid this problem in the future. have your coldToFrozenScript write the frozen buckets in such a way that the index name is preserved, such as by creating a separate directory for each index.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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