Splunk Enterprise

Duplication of row


Hello everyone,I have this query-

index="dpsnapitt" AND (class= "GRADE 12 B" OR class= "GRADE 12 B *") AND (day="DAY 4" OR NOT day=*)
| rename "start time" as start, "end time" as end
| rename class as Class
| rename email as organizer_email
| dedup subject, Class, organizer_email, start
| join type=outer organizer_email
[search index="dpsn_teachers" earliest=0 latest= now
| rename name.fullName as teacher
| rename primaryEmail as organizer_email]
|join type=outer organizer_email max=0
[search index="dpsn_meet" | where email== organizer_email]
| rex field=date "(?<yy>[^\.]*)\-(?<mm>[^\.]*)\-(?<dd>[\S]*)T(?<hh>[^\.]*)\:(?<min>[^\.]*)\:(?<sec>[^\.]*)\."
| eval ndatetime = yy.mm.dd.hh.min.sec
| eval _time=strptime(ndatetime,"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + 19800
| eval Time=strftime(_time, "%H:%M")
| eval p = strptime(start,"%H:%M")-1020|eval q = strftime(p,"%H:%M")
| eval r = strptime(end,"%H:%M") |eval s = strftime(r,"%H:%M")
| eval meet_start_time = strftime((strptime(Time,"%H:%M")-duration_seconds), "%H:%M")
| eval z = if((meet_start_time >= q AND meet_start_time <= s), 1, 0)
| eval meeting_code = case( z == 1, meeting_code, z==0, "N/A")
| dedup organizer_email, meeting_code, start, end
| table Class, teacher, organizer_email, subject, "start", "end", meeting_code
| sort - period - day | reverse



If I run this query on 4 Dec 2020,it is producing following result-see image.

Those rows where meeting code is present is getting duplicated with meeting_code "N/A".I dont want that duplicated row.


Please help..I would be very thankful.




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0 Karma

Ultra Champion

This is probably because the last join returns more than 1 result for each meeting (presumably multiple events during the meeting) Hence you always have a meeting that falls both Inside and outside of your meeting_code case condition, resulting in two statuses. 

Could you use a |stats latest(end) to only bring in the last result of "end"?

...[search index="dpsn_meet" | stats latest(end) as end latest(start) as start latest(date) as date by email| where email== organizer_email]|...
If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!
0 Karma


But now I am not getting the meeting_code which I was getting earlier in this case.U can have a look at the image.

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

The problem is here:


| eval z = if((meet_start_time >= q AND meet_start_time <= s), 1, 0)
| eval meeting_code = case( z == 1, meeting_code, z==0, "N/A")


For any meeting which has multiple events that match both values of Z, you will get duplicates.

You could change the last dedup command to:


| dedup organizer_email, start, end


Which may solve your problem in most cases*, but you might be better off using a stats latest command to only bring in a single value to the join as per my suggestion above.

* I would expect that meetings in progress would show N/A,  meetings that have completed to show the meeting code

If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!
0 Karma


Can u help me with any alternate options ..I need the meeting_code..Please help me with this.I am stuck here

0 Karma


But meeting_code is all I need here.

0 Karma


Please help me

0 Karma
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