Splunk Enterprise

Can't access splunk web server after installing on Mac OSX

New Member


I'm having trouble launching the web server after installing Splunk for Mac OSX (El Capitan version 10.11.6). Once installed and after selecting "Start and Show Splunk" I get the below error message when attempting to open browser:Screen Shot 2021-07-19 at 9.06.09 AM.png


When trying to launch from the terminal I get the below error message as well:

Screen Shot 2021-07-19 at 9.14.14 AM.png

Any advice would be great!


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Hi @amarchesi 

it seems web service is not running, event splunkd service is up. from sccreenshot i see splunk took time to start web service, may service was not responding. 

can you try to restart the splunk (./splunk restart) and access the splunk UI again ?.

also can you also check ./splunk status 


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