I have configured Splunk AWS plugin to get files stored in a s3 bucket. These files come from a Apache server and have Apache access log format.
I use an s3 generic input and it seems to be connected (I tried with only one file) but when I check for searching events I don't see anything ? Internal Splunk logs indicate the s3 bucket is well reached and the file inside well processed without error.
Do you have a idea from which this issue can be due ?
Hi @venkatasri
I have found the issue, it was just due to the fact that I used a too recent time interval (my records concerned an older time) so there was nothing displayed.
Hi @Said75015
Can you share how your inputs have been configured? You can anonymize the bucket name.
Hi @venkatasri
I have found the issue, it was just due to the fact that I used a too recent time interval (my records concerned an older time) so there was nothing displayed.