My Splunk + Enterprise Security installation came with 51 canned correlation searches. For example, searches to discover Brute Force Behavior, LogMeIn activity, etc. All have been very useful and leave me wanting more.
Is there a place where I can get/find more correlation searches without having to write them myself? I think the correlation searches are just as useful/valuable as Splunk apps.
One thing to note is that correlation searches are just Splunk searches with a decision in them... Gather data, make a test, and check the result. Here's a blog post on the basic technique:
As Luke notes, we'd be happy to help if you have a specific idea in mind!
One thing to note is that correlation searches are just Splunk searches with a decision in them... Gather data, make a test, and check the result. Here's a blog post on the basic technique:
As Luke notes, we'd be happy to help if you have a specific idea in mind!
Thanks, and I'll post if I think of new correlation search ideas. Just thought there might be a place where Splunk users are sharing them.
There isn't really a another source for Correlation Searches. That said, I would love to hear your ideas; perhaps I could get a few written for you. Let me know what ideas you have.
There is a place, here.
Like Luke^ said, post what you think you need.