I am getting below error message.
2019-07-11 09:36:25,643+0000 ERROR pid=18084 tid=MainThread file=configuration_check.py:run:228 | status="completed" task="confcheck_es_sync_investigation_xrefs" message="Failed to sync xref collection and investigations: Could not get investigation notable xrefs"
I have single-instance environment with fresh installation of Splunk Enterprise 7.2.7 and ES 5.3.0. I excluded all add-on during ES installation.
Can you please explain why this error message is coming and is there any impact on Splunk or ES?
thanks in advance for your reply
I've solved it. 🙂 It is not right solution. I've reinstalled Splunk and ES. The error is gone.
Pls check the health of the kvstore and may need a restart again.
I've checked kvstore status by command:
./splunk show kvstore-status
Status is ready.
I am not sure how to check health of kvstore. You mean Monitoring console/Health check?