Splunk Enterprise Security

Adapt the information in my logs to the CIM model so that the data models work


For example, one field of the email data model is "recipient" and it comes from the tag=email.

However, my email information comes from the Microsoft O365 integration, where the recipient information is given in a field called "ExchangeDetails.Recipients{}".

As far as I have been able to understand, I have to modify the "email" tag, in "Event Types" to look in "index=o365 Workload=Exchange" for email related logs. And after that, I have to create an alias so that "ExchangeDetails.Recipients{}" is equivalent to "recipient" as indicated in the data model.

Is that correct?

Thank you for your assistance

0 Karma


Hi @jo54 

You are correct change the event_type with MS 365 email logs for tag=email and alias it to receipient should work fine.

0 Karma
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