On certain events the indexed time is 24h after the event _time across all indexes on Splunk cloud, just wondered if anyone has seen this before it doesn’t look to matter on the source type that is used.
If the _indextime is 24h after the event _time, are the events just coming in 24 later from the host that is sending the events?
Is there any consistency between any of the events that are late? host/index/source/sourcetype?
It is always an exact 24h difference to the event _time?
Are these events coming in from a universal forwarder, HEC, through a heavy forwarder?
If the _indextime is 24h after the event _time, are the events just coming in 24 later from the host that is sending the events?
Is there any consistency between any of the events that are late? host/index/source/sourcetype?
It is always an exact 24h difference to the event _time?
Are these events coming in from a universal forwarder, HEC, through a heavy forwarder?