In configuring Splunk to use LDAP, I'm seeing the following error in splunkd.log:
ERROR authenticationManagerLDAP - Text '000004DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C0906DD, comment: In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection., data 0, v1771
I've provided a valid bindDN and password so what is the problem? I'm unable to see any users/groups in Splunk.
This error points to an issue with referrals in AD. Splunk currently does not support LDAP referrals and a workaround is documented. Refer to the top of the LDAP configuration section of our document for a pointer to the workaround.
The problem may be that your configuration is too broad and thus triggers AD referrals. Oftentimes, you can sidestep this specifying a more specific DN and using LDAP filters.
If that doesn't work you may need to resort to using the AD GC (Global Catalog) port (if implemented.)
This error points to an issue with referrals in AD. Splunk currently does not support LDAP referrals and a workaround is documented. Refer to the top of the LDAP configuration section of our document for a pointer to the workaround.
The problem may be that your configuration is too broad and thus triggers AD referrals. Oftentimes, you can sidestep this specifying a more specific DN and using LDAP filters.
If that doesn't work you may need to resort to using the AD GC (Global Catalog) port (if implemented.)