Morning Guru's,
I am looking for a script to show the number of days a log was last accessed. Ive got this working but the problem is its common for people to dump in a log that then is never accessed again and then this has to be whitelisted.
So i am wondering if anyone knows how to only show a log/file that has been accessed more then twice in the last month please?
Based on our discussion in comments, I'd change your original query to filter for sources that had their last event on a different day then their first event (second and third line are the ones I added, I left the rest of your query as is):
| metadata index=m type=sources
| eval firstToLast=round((lastTime-firstTime)/86400)
| where firstToLast>1
| eval ageInDays = round((now()-lastTime)/86400)
| where ageInDays > 0.99 AND ageInDays<170.00
| convert ctime(lastTime)
| convert ctime(firstTime)
| convert timeformat="%Y %D" mktime(ageInDays)
| rename ageInDays as Days
| sort by Days
What exactly do you mean by a log in this case? Can you perhaps share the query that you had so far?
| metadata index=m type=sources
| eval ageInDays = round((now()-lastTime)/86400)
| where ageInDays > 0.99 AND ageInDays<170.00
| convert ctime(lastTime)
| convert ctime(firstTime)
| convert timeformat="%Y %D" mktime(ageInDays)
| rename ageInDays as Days
| sort by Days
thanks alot
So that gives you a list of sources in that index, which have had events ingested in the past 1-170 days. I assume source in this case relates to what you called "log/file" in your question?
What exactly do you mean with "accessed"? Because that metadata search will give you when latest events were received from a certain source (log/file). "Access" sounds like you want to know when someone last looked at it?
Also, what exactly is your goal? In what sense do you want to whitelist certain sources?
Sorry Frank,
Yes i want to know when a file is uploaded too like a log. I am using a panel to show me if any logs have stopped logging for some reason.
So want a query to find out if for example a file/log logs once but then never logs again thats fine. i want to whitelist those. So some sort of counter i suppose. If a file doesnt log and it had been logging then show the amount of days it hasnt logged.
Right, so a file that was ingested once, but not again afterwards can be ignored, you want to list sources that have been ingesting for a while, but then suddenly stopped receiving new logs?
Perhaps you could look at comparing last time and first time? If both are on the same day: ignore, otherwise include the item in the results and show the days since lasttime (as you already do)?
Yes that sounds good, if it logs on the same day and doesn't log again then we don't care. If it logs everyday for 7 days then suddenly stops count the amount of days it has stopped from.
Can you assist with the query? thanks.