Hi all,
I have developed a sample Splunk application. However, if I give it to anybody, then there is chance to modify js files and conf files by opening the app directory like (SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/sample_app). So, I would like to give a read only permission to the app directory structure. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
use 'chmod' command linux to do it.
like this: chmod -R repertoire
in your case : chmod -R 444 SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/sample_app
this link can help you : https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/permissions
thanks for replaying,but what I would like to do is give the read only permission to the my sample_app directory only that to at windows side.it possible??
I suggest the account running Splunk should have write access to all directories under SPLUNK_HOME.