we are having the following issue while trying to start splunk (version 6.2) .
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk start
Splunk> Now with more code!
Checking prerequisites...
Checking http port [8000]: open
Checking mgmt port [8089]: open
Checking appserver port []: already bound
ERROR: The appserver port [] is already bound. Splunk needs to use this port.
Would you like to change ports? [y/n]: y
Enter a new appserver port: 8066
Setting appserver port: 8066
The port specified is in use. Please enter a different port.
Enter a new appserver port: 8067
Port "8067" is invalid, please enter a number between 1 and 65535
Enter a new appserver port:
The appserver port already bound.. We don't have anything on this system except Splunk. I also tried to check what process was using this port, but i didn't get any response. Also tried to set another port 8066 or 8067 but not possible. We also tried version 6.2.1 same issue.
The issue started after we did a reboot of the system
Any clue on this.
same issue in 8.2.2 after upgrading some apps like Splunk_TA_nix or Splunk_TA_oracle, had to do this :
ps -ef | grep -i python
siem 11808 1 0 Apr18 ? 00:03:52 /OPT/siem/splunk/bin/python3.7 -O /OPT/siem/splunk/lib/python3.7/site-packages/splunk/appserver/mrsparkle/root.py --proxied=,8065,8000
siem 34758 30871 0 12:26 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i python
[siem@s201lbasplsh2 ~]$ kill 11808
I had the same issue: it was caused by the loopback not initialized. So check your interface with a ifconfig lo
I am also seeing this same issue and the only way I was able to get around it was by setting the port to 0 in web.conf. netstat showed port 8086 not in use, and I couldn't use any other port. Were you able to figure out why you were seeing this?
Can we see what the output of the following commands is after stopping splunk or making sure that splunk processes are not running with ps etcetera:
netstat -an | grep 8065
lsof |grep 8065
the Splunk is stopped. And both those commands do not show any result
It is very strange why it would say that the port is bound to anything
Did anyone ever figure this out?
In our case it turned out there was a BIND_IP defined in /opt/splunk/etc/splunk-launch.conf that was causing the issue (thought we had removed all of these).