quick question, I want to search all saved searches .conf files for all email actions for a specific e-mail address while also showing the search name, how would i do this?
Windows command line:
findstr /s /i "<search_string>" savedsearches.conf
Unix/Linux command line:
find . -name savedsearches.conf -exec grep -i "<search_string>" {} \;
Try like this (to list all)
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches splunk_server=local | search action.email=1 | table title eai:acl.app action.email.to
For searches for specific email
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches splunk_server=local | search action.email=1 action.email.to=*emailtosearch@example.com* | table title eai:acl.app action.email.to
Windows command line:
findstr /s /i "<search_string>" savedsearches.conf
Unix/Linux command line:
find . -name savedsearches.conf -exec grep -i "<search_string>" {} \;
Use the GUI. Searches and Reports will show you matches for email addresses within scheduled searches.
Or on the CLI, you could use btool and some grep'ing:
splunk btool savedsearches list | egrep -r "^\[|youremailaddress@email.com"
This will show you each saved search stanza opening, followed by a line with the matching email if it's there.
i want it to show the search/alert name and who it e-mails. i am getting verbose results with this one.
Right. It shows all scheduled search names, but only those with emails will have a second line:
action.email.to = youremail@email.com
On the file system something like - find . -name "searches.conf" | xargs grep -i <e-mail address>
Try this
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches/ | where is_scheduled=1 AND 'action.email'=1 | table eai:acl.app title
seems like it is not showing all the alerts in the saved searches .conf file. and it is not showing the e-mail actions.