
Why my alert condition doesn't work?


I'm creating an alert to notify me when license pool usage is over 90% of defined pool size.

Firstly, I wrote the alert search and condition like this. But I couldn't get anything when it's over 90%.

Search: index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type=Usage | eval used_gb=round(b/1024/1024/1024,2) | eval total_gb=poolsz/1024/1024/1024 | stats sum(used_gb) as used_gb first(total_gb) as total_gb by pool | eval percentage=round(used_gb/total_gb*100,2)
Condition: if custom condition is met "search percentage>=90"

After that, I change to this and it works!

Search: index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type=Usage | eval used_gb=round(b/1024/1024/1024,2) | eval total_gb=poolsz/1024/1024/1024 | stats sum(used_gb) as used_gb first(total_gb) as total_gb by pool | eval percentage=round(used_gb/total_gb*100,2) | where percentage>=90
Condition: if number of events larger than 0

Anyone can tell what's the difference?


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Hi philip.wong,

What version of Splunk are you using? Starting from Version 6.2 you can use the Distributed Management Console which has all kind of different alerts pre configured and it contains a license alert :

Total license usage near daily quota    
Fires when you have used 90% of your total daily license quota.

No need to re-invent the wheel 😉

btw, you should use where to compare two fields and their value and not to compare a field with a string, see this answer

Have you tested it with only percentage>=90 in the custom condition?

Hope that helps ...

cheers, MuS


We can't omit search/where in custom condition. But you raised a good point "where" is for boolean comparasion.
I checked to where percentage >= 90, it works now!

We're still running 6.1.6. It's good to know Splunk has this come with 6.2!


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