I have been using dark theme in dashboards. Is it possible to have dark theme in embedded reports?
Adding style "filter: invert(100%) !important" to the containing element solved the problem.
@famliu - Do you mean embedding the report in the dashboard as a panel/table/chart? Ideally, it should follow the dashboard theme.
Try refreshing the page. Or opening in an incognito window.
I hope this helps!!!
Thanks for your reply.
What I want is dark theme for embedded report for external website, described here embedded report for external website
Okay got it. I've not seen any parameter from Splunk's side to make it in Dark Theme.
That embedded report is just an HTML iframe. See if it's possible to override the CSS of it from the parent page.
You can submit an enhancement request for that in Splunk - https://ideas.splunk.com/ideas
Adding style "filter: invert(100%) !important" to the containing element solved the problem.