I have several scheduled searches running on Hunk. However, when I look at a list all applications via yarn, all the jobs submitted by the scheduler appear as an seemingly random alphanumeric string.
If I submit a MapReduce job directly, I can set the MapReduce job name in my code and see the progress and a descriptive name of the job from yarn.
Is there a way to pass in a name for a MapReduce job from the savedsearches.conf file?
Normally you will see the Hunk job name with this structure: SPLK_HunkHostName_SplunkSearchIdName
For example, job.name=SPLK_sandbox.hortonworks.com_1455796850.4_0
As far as I know the user does not have control regarding the name of the job.
Normally you will see the Hunk job name with this structure: SPLK_HunkHostName_SplunkSearchIdName
For example, job.name=SPLK_sandbox.hortonworks.com_1455796850.4_0
As far as I know the user does not have control regarding the name of the job.