I have a list of data named project hours and their corresponding month, like:
ProjectHours Month
22 h Sept
24 h oCT
27 h Nov etc etc
Now I need to forecast the hours for december 2016, january 2017, feb2017 up to march 2017.
How can it be accomplished?
Also, I need to subtotal the project hours under different technologies like subtotal of hours under java, subtotal of hours under dotnet. Please tell me how to do it.
Have you looked at the ML Toolkit? That's probably your best bet for predictive analytics. https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2890/
Or, you could start with this, and tweak to get your desired results. Again, I would recommed using the app.
base search | bin span=1mon _time as month | stats sum(hours) as hours by month technology | predict hours future_timespan=3 | appendpipe [ | stats sum(hours) by technology | eval month = "Sub-Total" ] | sort technology