index A has table1 and Index B has table2
table1 table2. table3
aaa. zzz. aaa
bbb. aaa. bbb
ccc. ccc
ddd ddd
I want do output new table with values doesn't exist when compare with table1 with table2
Hi @directtv999,
let me understand:
you want to list all the values in table 1 not present in table 2 and all values of table 2 not present in table 1, is it correct?
If this is your need, please try this:
Hi @directtv999,
sorry, I clicked the wrong button!
index=indexA OR index=indexB
| eval table3=coalesce(table1, table2)
| stats
dc(index) AS index_count
values(table1) AS table1
values(table2) AS table2
BY table 3
| wjere index_count=1
| table table1 table2 table3
Thanks for the reply @gcusello , I didn't get the desired output it is displaying whole fields from table2 in table3
so here is table1 coming from a dynamic nested json and am using below query to extract it before your eval and stats query
foreach hosts.*.table1 [| eval cluster=isnotnull('<<FIELD>>'),'<<FIELD>>,table1)]