My search looks like:
mysearch....[ index=adc| fieldsummary | fields field]
Is there a command to display the fieldnames (field) of an index without using the fieldsummary
command? Or an option for fieldsummary
to just return field?
is to extensive and takes to much time.
Thank you
Use this for example , it will do what you want
index=_internal|fields + *|transpose|table column
index=main|fields + *|transpose|rename column as field|table field
I have a process setup in the Data Curator app that will periodically go through your data and update a lookup that has sourcetypes and field names. This was done pre KV stores which would be a better process /shrug. At any rate the base query is
earliest=-45s index=asc_tech | regex sourcetype!="(-\d+$|-too_small$)" | dedup sourcetype | fields - _raw date_* index linecount punct eventtype time*pos splunk_server timestamp host source tag* _* | foreach * [eval <<FIELD>> = if(isnotnull('<<FIELD>>'), sourcetype, null())] | stats values(*) as * | transpose | rename "row 1" as sourcetype column as field | makemv delim=" " sourcetype | mvexpand sourcetype | where field!="sourcetype"
With the lookup method the data is quick go through and the process to keep it update runs in the background. With that in place I've done thing like compare the fields to what is called out in the CIM etc. For example (link)
Thank you for your reply. I will try that.
Use this for example , it will do what you want
index=_internal|fields + *|transpose|table column
index=main|fields + *|transpose|rename column as field|table field
thanks . please dont forget to vote
Awesome thank you 🙂
This is not faster. It still goes to disk and searches events.