I use the search below in order to retrieve the fields host ,SITE and STATUS from a lookup and to compare them with the field host in another lookup
| inputlookup host.csv
| lookup lookup_cmdb_fo_all.csv HOSTNAME as host output SITE STATUS
| stats values(SITE) as SITE, values(STATUS) as STATUS by host
Now I need to display the host that exist in a lookup but not in another lookup
could you help me please??
Hi jip31,
do you want this in the same search or in another one?
if in another one it's easy:
| inputlookup host.csv NOT [ |inputlookup lookup_cmdb_fo_all.csv | rename HOSTNAME AS host | fields host ]
| ...
if instead you want this in the same search you have to modify your search in this way:
| inputlookup host.csv
| lookup lookup_cmdb_fo_all.csv HOSTNAME as host output SITE STATUS
| stats values(SITE) as SITE, values(STATUS) as STATUS by host
| eval Status=if(isnull(SITE),"Not present","Present")
Hi jip31,
do you want this in the same search or in another one?
if in another one it's easy:
| inputlookup host.csv NOT [ |inputlookup lookup_cmdb_fo_all.csv | rename HOSTNAME AS host | fields host ]
| ...
if instead you want this in the same search you have to modify your search in this way:
| inputlookup host.csv
| lookup lookup_cmdb_fo_all.csv HOSTNAME as host output SITE STATUS
| stats values(SITE) as SITE, values(STATUS) as STATUS by host
| eval Status=if(isnull(SITE),"Not present","Present")
hi guiseppe perfect thanks