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How to resolve issues with mongod startup such as "Failed to start KV Store process" error?


Issues with mongod startup

Failed to start KV Store process. See mongod.log and splunkd.log for details. 1/19/2017, 2:52:02 PM 
KV Store changed status to failed. KVStore process terminated. 1/19/2017, 2:52:01 PM    
KV Store process terminated abnormally (exit code 100, status exited with code 100). See mongod.log and splunkd.log for details. 1/19/2017, 2:52:01 PM
1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Hi gmckean,

This might be caused by the incorrect mongo db key permission. Please try changing it to 400 using this command on Linux:

chmod -R 400 $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/kvstore/mongo/splunk.key

Hope this helps. Thanks!

View solution in original post

Path Finder

I downvoted this post because no such file in 6.6.5

0 Karma


Sorry - no knowledge of the Windows side of things .

0 Karma

Path Finder

I have the same error. Tried everything in this thread still the same issue.

0 Karma


What (if any) errors are there in mongod.log? Have you changed a SSL cert recently?

0 Karma

Path Finder

I In Windows I went to C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\lib\splunk\modinputs\server\splunk_app_db_connect and gave write permission to the service account. I opened the folder properties and went to the security tab, selected my service account and gave it write permission.

0 Karma


The splunk.key file had 400 permission - other files in the splunk/kvstore/mongo dir were owned by root:root.
Making these splunk:splunk ownership fixed the problem.


0 Karma


Resolved the same issue for us. Thank you!

0 Karma

Path Finder

Permissions on a new install seem to be 600 these days. Maybe something's changed. Also, what's with the -R? just;

chmod 600 /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/kvstore/mongo/splunk.key

should be fine. No need to recursively delve into directories of that file.

Add on a

chown splunk: /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/kvstore/mongo/*

to cover off the other issues about ownership noted in the thread.


Hi @alisterwhipp ,

how to do this on Windows ?
I have Splunk on Windows and I checked the file permission of Splunk.key, its already set to full control, still for my domain splunk account, I am getting the KVstore errors.

I started getting these errors after changing Splunk from Local account to domain account.
PLease help

0 Karma


@damodeI have the same issue in a Windows machine after changing Splunk from Local account to domain account. Did you find a solution?

0 Karma

New Member

Thanks Hunters, it worked for me. I do not see that error anymore.

0 Karma


What does mongod.log say about it?

0 Karma


mongod.log implied there was an issue with _tmp permissions. I corrected this then found other permission issues in other areas.

The corrective action was to chown splunk:splunk everything under ..../splunk_indexes/kvstore/mongo.

Some of the files here were owned by root:root.

Thanks for your help.

0 Karma
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