I'm trying to upgrade from 6.2 to 6.4 on a linux server and hitting some pain points. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
Attempt 1
1) I backed up my Splunk_Home
folder (Known as 'splunk') on my local drive
2) I renamed the splunk folder to 'splunkOLD' on that dev server
3) I downloaded this .rpm file splunk-6.4.0-f2c836328108-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm
4) I ran this command rpm -U splunk-6.4.0-f2c836328108-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm
5) Accepted the license agreement
6) Installed a fresh copy of Splunk which did not retain the user accounts and data, or my conf files.. The UI was available, but I only had access to the admin/changeme creds
Attempt 2
1) Splunk_Home
folder is still backed up on my local drive
2) I rename that splunkOLD
folder back to its original name splunk
3) I ran this command rpm -U splunk-6.4.0-f2c836328108-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm
4) It says...
warning: splunk-6.4.0-f2c836328108-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm: Header V4 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID xxxxxxxx: NOKEY
package splunk-6.4.0-f2c836328108.x86_64 is already installed
I was able to successfully upgrade.. To get around the error above, I had to replace it with the new installation running this command. I then started Splunk and it upgraded correctly
rpm -iv --replacepkgs 6.4.0xxxx.rpm
I was able to successfully upgrade.. To get around the error above, I had to replace it with the new installation running this command. I then started Splunk and it upgraded correctly
rpm -iv --replacepkgs 6.4.0xxxx.rpm
I did the "rpm -iv ..." but after restart is still starting the older version of splunk. Anyone found another workaround ? my next try will be untar
Do you have a standalone indexer or clustered environment? Make sure to stop all Splunk services/daemons before upgrading. You can also check the version which is a text file titled 'version.txt'..
It's super easy to upgrade using the rpm.. You could also upgrade pretty easily with the targz file
Did you try just extracting the .tgz version over your existing installation?
Yes and I was unable to install it. The last install we did was the .rpm file so I'm assuming that's the correct file to grab
Did you remove/uninstall Splunk6.4 from Attempt1 before try Attempt2?
No, I'll try that now and report my results back
I went to uninstall that .rpm file and it says package splunk-6.4.0... is not installed
I then tried to update this rpm file and it says package splunk-6.4.0.. is already installed