In indexer discovery method, Heavy forwarder clear text password not being encrypted after restart. Please help
In HF, it should be
master_uri =
instead of manager_uri. I followed the
It works now. Thanks
I experienced the same error and I had to change manager_uri to master_uri in outputs.conf of the my HF
Hi @kumaranv,
Could you please show us your Heavy Forwarder outputs.conf setting (pass4SymmKey masked) ? Maybe there is something wrong with the settings.
It is in home practice
in $Splunk/etc/system/local/outputs.conf
pass4SymmKey = admin1234
manager_uri =
indexerDiscovery = idxpeers
defaultGroup = idxdis
indexAndForward = 0
in Master Node:
in .../etc/system/local/server.conf
pass4SymmKey = $7$1k1xTHTMxuk2ekDYjDOt9oIONOK3MHxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=
pass4SymmKey was set to admin1234 and after restart i t got encripted
I hope it should happen to HF pass4SymmKey also
In HF, it should be
master_uri =
instead of manager_uri. I followed the
It works now. Thanks
I used the command
./splunk btool check
to identify error in stanzas in conf
Hi @kumaranv,
restart by console viewing eventual error messages, check again and if it's still present open immediately a case P1 to Splunk Support.