I am trying to generate a new cert for my kv store to work properly (I am having this problem - https:// answers.splunk.com/answers/397029/kv-store-lookup-failing-with-error-about-kv-store.html)
But when I attempt to generate a new cert it just returns the output below. Is there a log or something I can change to figure out what I am doing wrong?
C:\Program Files\Splunk\bin>.\splunk createssl server-cert -l 1024 -d "C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\auth\" -n server.pem -c {IP Address}
-d: Directory where rootCa and other certs are stored.
-n: The name of the cert.
-c: The CommonName for the cert. This should match the DNS name.
If DNS is not available then the IP will suffice.
-l: Length of the RSA key to generate (default 1024).
-p: Prompt for optional arguments.
Server 2012 running dev license splunk version 7.2.5
@oangarita I did not resolve it directly, I ended up migrating it to a different host that had a fresh install
@pscsmoke Thanks for posting - maybe that will help someone else.
on windows it's "-n server" not "-n server.pem"
Did you find how generate the cert? I have the same issue on windows.