Hello Splunkers!!
I want to ingest below two pattern of events in Splunk and both are in json logs but there timestamp are different. So far I have used below attributes in my props.conf. Please let me know or suggest me if any any other attribute I need to add so my both the pattern of events parse smoothly without any time difference..
AUTO_KV_JSON = false
KV_MODE = none
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)
TIME_PREFIX = \"time\"\:\"
category = Custom
pulldown_type = true
Pattern 1:
Pattern 2:
{"data":{"physicalId":"60040160041570014272","carrierTypeId":"18","carrierId":"60040160041570014272","prioritizedDestinations":[{"name":"urn:topology:location:Pallet Loop (DEP):OBD/Returnflow:Exit01","priority":1},{"name":"urn:topology:location:Pallet Loop (DEP):OBD/Returnflow:Exit02","priority":1}],"transportOrderId":"TO_00001399"},"topic":"transport-order-commands-conveyor","specversion":"1.0","time":"2024-05-22T18:02:16.669Z","id":"34A0DF56-B0B2-4A73-9D7B-034A94D49747","type":"AssignTransportOrder"}
Thanks in advance!!
Ideally, these should be ingested as different sourcetypes so that different parsing can be associated with the different formats.
Ideally, these should be ingested as different sourcetypes so that different parsing can be associated with the different formats.
@ITWhisperer I am not using TIME_FORMAT attribute here, then probably it should work ? Please share your thoughts.
As I said, these look like two different sourcetypes and should be treated as such