I am trying to pipe the results of one lookup to another to essentially join the data. In the search below I am trying to use user_id found in apicode and lookup the corresponding email in the user lookup.
Parameters: | rex field=_raw "apicode=>(?<apicode>.*)" | lookup apicode_table apicode output user_id | lookup user_table user_id output email
I get the following error.
Error in 'lookup' command: Could not find all of the specified lookup fields in the lookup table
I assume this is because user_id is not available from the db yet. How can I lookup from a second table based on the first table?
Thanks all for the comments. I finally got the second lookup to work. I was missing the
Parameters: | rex field=_raw "apicode=>(?<apicode>.*)" | lookup apicode_table apicode output user_id | lookup user_table id as user_id output email
Thanks all for the comments. I finally got the second lookup to work. I was missing the
Parameters: | rex field=_raw "apicode=>(?<apicode>.*)" | lookup apicode_table apicode output user_id | lookup user_table id as user_id output email
It may be a long shot. Try something like this
Parameters: | rex field=_raw "apicode=>(?
have you tried using a subsearch?
In my tests i have seen the error comes when column (OR CSV field) is missing but not when value is null.
Does your user_table contains both user_id and email columns?
If value is not present then lookup command simply returns empty, it wont throw an error
The name fields are correct and capital OUTPUT doesn't seem to make a difference. The first lookup works fine lower or upper.
Verify the name of fields in the lookup tables. Also, the keyword output should in caps (OUTPUT, I think that's the problem)