Well since all searches directed me to splunk i guess this program should be able to help me with my issue.
I would like to be able to monitor what goes trough my firewall, meaning i want to see all action the network behind the firewall are doing, and also i want be able to monitor clients that are entering our lan, and see what specific server / workstation they are connecting to.
We are using 2 netgear switches 24 ports, and netgear fsv 336g as FW.
Thx in advance and sorry for my incompetence.
/ André
here is another excellent place to start: http://www.splunk.com/base/Documentation/latest/Data/Howtogetgoing
another good starting point from the perspective of learning how to use the Splunk Web UI is the Splunk Tutorial:
check those out, and i'm sure you'll have more specific questions :).
Hi Andre:
Your first stop should be the 'getting data in' documentation located here - http://www.splunk.com/base/Documentation/latest/Data/WhatSplunkcanmonitor