I am unable to install Splunk on my local machine for development purposes. I do not have access to an admin account on the local machine. How do I install Splunk as just a normal user?
Kind Regards
just read this , and retry
Open the splunkd service and check the Log On tab. Is the service running as the local system or a user?
If your are running as a user, then review this from the Installation Manual:
Important: If you choose to run Splunk as another user, that user must:
•Be a member of an Active Directory domain (you cannot install Splunk as a local machine account other than the Local System account)
•Have local administrator privileges on the machine which you are performing the installation, and
•Have specific user rights, and other additional permissions, depending on the kinds of data you want to collect from remote machines.
When you install splunk in your local machine you suppose to be admin user .
what is normal user
normal user is a use that does not have admin rights to machine for security reasons
Hi ptah,
I don't know if this will help you, but I want you to know that:
Firstly, installing Splunk should really be installed as a local service as per the install instructions, unless you want to do remote WMI polling.
So after all is said, Splunk should actually be running in the background at start up anyway and so admin access will not be required to access it.
Secondly you can ask for admin to install it and select you in the Windows user that Splunk Enterprise should run as.
For more information about Installing Splunk, please follow the link below:
Please let me know if you have other information about done it. thanks and regards.
the admins will just laugh at me 🙂