I monitor several VMs and the corresponding database logs with the following stanza:[monitor:///usr/sap/.../HDB02/vhsfh*/trace/DB_*/*
The example of the path would be:
Now, I would like to extract during indexing from the above path, which is the field "source" additional default fields that are always there, which would be:
vhost (here: vhsfhndjdb01)
DBSID (here: VU7)
The corresponding regex expression, if I would do this in the search is:
| rex field=source "\/usr\/sap\/(?P<SYSTEMDB>.+)\/HDB02\/(?P<vhost>.+)\/trace\/DB_(?P<DBSID>.+)$"
But how would I do this in the props.conf and transform.conf to make it permanent and always available as the default fields?
I was thinking of the following:
As you suspected, the transform is incorrect. Try this
REGEX = "\/usr\/sap\/(?P<SYSTEMDB>.+)\/HDB02\/(?P<vhost>.+)\/trace\/DB_(?P<DBSID>.+)$"
SOURCE_KEY = MetaData:Source
FORMAT = SYSTEMDB::$1 vhost::$2 DBSID::$3
As you suspected, the transform is incorrect. Try this
REGEX = "\/usr\/sap\/(?P<SYSTEMDB>.+)\/HDB02\/(?P<vhost>.+)\/trace\/DB_(?P<DBSID>.+)$"
SOURCE_KEY = MetaData:Source
FORMAT = SYSTEMDB::$1 vhost::$2 DBSID::$3
Thank you. It did not work straight away, but after a bit googling and try-errorying the following worked (interestingly, the REGEX itself had to be changed, I would never come up with this myself, it is also not really documented or at least not so easily understandable for me):
FORMAT=SYSTEMDB::$1 vhost::$2 DBSID::$3
Kind Regards,