Hello everyone,
I published a chrome/firefox extension to format XML Based Events and i want to share it with you.
All source code is public and can be found here :
Feel free to open issues if any bugs etc.
The aim of the extension is to provide event formating for XML in the json-ish event based way.
Here the link for chrome and firefox:
Just for exemple here the difference before / after
Hello everyone !
I'm please to announce that the extension has been release in version 2.3
It's currently passing the vetting process for both chrome and firefox.
Moreover the extension have been tested (by me) on the following browser
Feel free to test it, review it and it's page in order to increase its score because right now it's a bit low (maybe some bug in previous version but no more clues)
If you find any bugs :
- Open an issue on github or email me at jynolen+github@gmail.com with the following info (version of splunk you use) and if possible raw value of the xml you try to format (be sure to anomyse it before)
Thanks !