Getting Data In

CSV with Lookup


Hi @ITWhisperer 
@gcusello @ITWhisperer  please help

This is the other issue which is related to csv dataset and lookup dataset.

From this SPL: source="cmkcsv.csv" host="DESKTOP" index="cmk" sourcetype="cmkcsv"

Getting output below

Subscription Resource Key Vault Secret Expiration Date Months
BoB-foo Dicore-automat Dicore-automat-keycoreDi core-tuubsp1sct 2022-07-28-21
BoB-foo Dicore-automat Dicore-automat-keycore Dicore-stor1scrt 2022-07-28-21
BoB-foo G01462-mgmt-foo G86413-vaultcore G86413-secret-foo


From this lookup: | inputlookup cmklookup.csv
Getting output below

CaliberDicore -
KeygroupG01462 -
KeygroupG01462 -


Combine the two queries into one, where the output will only display results where the 'environment' and 'Resource' fields match. For instance, if 'G01462' matches in both fields across both datasets, it should be included in the output. How i can do this, could anyone help here to write spl. I wrote some of the Spls but it's not working for me.

source="cmkcsv.csv" host="DESKTOP" index="cmk" sourcetype="cmkcsv"
|join type=inner [ | inputlookup cmklookup.csv environment]

source="cmkcsv.csv" host="DESKTOP" index="cmk" sourcetype="cmkcsv"
| lookup cmklookup.csv environment AS "Resource" OUTPUT "environment"

Labels (1)
0 Karma


In your example, G01462 doesn't (completely) match any entry in either Resource or environment. Lookup requires an exact match (unless you define it as a wildcard lookup or CIDR). In the case of G01462-mgmt-foo, would you want the lookup to find either G01462 - QA or  G01462 - SIT or both?

0 Karma


Indeed, the objective is to utilize a lookup operation to match 'G01462' and find either 'G01462 - QA' or 'G01462 - SIT', or both.

Alternatively, can I modify the lookup operation to precisely match the "newResource" field with the "Resource" field to retrieve the corresponding values of the "environment" field in the

CaliberDicore - TCGfoo@gmail.comDicore-automat
KeygroupG01462 - QAgoo@gmail.comDicore-automat
KeygroupG01462 - SITboo@gmail.comG01462-mgmt-foo

0 Karma


Do that then!

0 Karma
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