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AGREETOLICENSE not agreeing? Windows10

New Member

I'm trying to install Splunk UF through an MDM onto windows 10 but i'm running into an issue with the AGREETOLICENSE does not agree. Running the command below on the command line exits immediately with no errors and no installation.
msiexec.exe /i C:\Windows\Temp\splunkforwarder-6.5.1-f74036626f0c-x64-release.msi RECEIVING_INDEXER="xxxxxxxxxx:xxxx" WINEVENTLOG_SEC_ENABLE=1 WINEVENTLOG_SYS_ENABLE=1 MONITOR_PATH=“C:\ProgramData\osquery\logs\osqueryd.results.log” AGREETOLICENSE=yes /quiet
When I remove the /quiet flag the UniversalForwarder Setup window opens and I have to "Check this box to accept the License Agreement" to continue and it does install.

I've tried stripping everything out of the command to msiexec.exe /i C:\Windows\Temp\splunkforwarder-6.5.1-f74036626f0c-x64-release.msi AGREETOLICENSE=yes with the same result, no agreement on the license. Any suggestions on how to trouble shoot this?

0 Karma


Did anyone figure this out?

This is driving me insane in the mem-brain!  😫

0 Karma



this works for us:

msiexec.exe /i <path to temp>/splunkforwarder-<XXXXX>-x64-release.msi AGREETOLICENSE=yes LAUNCHSPLUNK=no SERVICESTARTTYPE=auto /quiet /l*v install-log.txt

Then we are using separate app for configuring Deployment server stuff there, so we can change it later on if needed.

r. Ismo 

0 Karma


Hey Brother,

Sorry, your option did not work, however, it did set me down the path where I figured out why.
The install.log portion was inspired!

Short version is that I had to amend your install with the following:

msiexec /i <splunkforwarderfile>.msi AGREETOLICENSE=1 LAUNCHSPLUNK=0 SERVICESTARTTYPE=auto /qb /l*v install.log

The "/qb" option did it for me.

In our case it's important to use the whole path for <splunkfowrarderfile>.msi. Without exact path (e.g. ./ or c:\temp\...) it couldn't find it and installation failed.
0 Karma
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