I am using the "Map users directly" config from here -
in order to get around referrals in an AD forest with multiple child domains.
Everything is working well, in fact, too well. It is returning all objects, even though my (objectclass=user) is set (I tried people as well. no change).
My question is how can I filter out the computer objects that get returned? Ideally, I'd like to remove everything with a $ in the name. I've tried piping !objectclass=computer into it with no success.
One option is to use the userAccountControl flag to query user accounts:
(the UAC flag 512 means NORMAL_ACCOUNT)
Your suggestion of filtering accounts with $ in its name would work as well:
Thanks, gkanapathy. That works as well. now if I can only get it to distiguish between the same sAMAccountName from different domains. I'll be creating a new question for that one.
Usually in AD, you want (&(ObjectCategory=Person)(objectclass=user)).
DOH! No wonder my query wasn't working. I didn't correctly paren it. Thanks for the examples. A quick shuffle and it's doing exactly what I need.
Thanks much, ziegfried.